AIBC Oral Examiner Training

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Welcome to the AIBC Oral Examiner online training!

The AIBC has created this training package to help guide you through the Oral Exam process. This training will provide you with the following:

  1. Hands on experience with the question-and-answer tool
  2. Opportunities to observe Examiners, including how they ask questions, listen to responses, and provide feedback

Oral Examiners have reported that practising how to use the question-and-answer tool, observing how to ask questions, and listening for responses as well as participating in deliberation, helps make the oral exam run smoothly and efficiently.

What to Expect
This training is based on a video-taped mock oral exam that was conducted by AIBC Oral Examiners and a volunteer candidate.

We’ve selected particular questions for you to practice, and to gain insight into the oral exam process. Each video contains a set of questions and key points for you to consider. The questions are for you to reflect on and point to specific behaviours and/or practices that are important to note. The key points help draw your attention to particular concepts that are important for Examiners to grasp.

The Materials tab contains reference materials you may need, such as the Oral Examiner Manual.